
I’m turning 27 on the 27th of this month. I don’t know what it is about that number that sounds so…old. I used to look forward to birthdays with the childlike exuberance usually reserved for Christmas Day, but this year it’s different. I want to do something special to commemorate this day – because that’s what birthdays are for, right? Commemorating your continued and hopefully long, meaningful existence. But it’s also just a day. Twenty-four hours that pass within the blink of an eye. I thought I’d share with you some of my innermost thoughts as “The Day” approaches, and my personal pledge moving forward. Maybe someone will relate and can find solace that they are not alone. Expect some rambling to ensue.

When I was little, I thought when I reached this age that I would be married with two adorable children, a dashing husband and that proverbial white picket fence enclosing our humble abode. I also hoped to be a famous actress/singer/musician extraordinaire. My childhood dreams could not be further from reality. While I was working as an actress for a bit, I ended up taking a hiatus and focusing on my day job, which provides more income. Now I’m higher up in the career food chain and working so much that I hardly have time for family, friends, a social life, etc. let alone time to focus on my acting career. I know I CAN make time if I so choose, but I also have a lot of monthly bills to pay: student loans, rent, medical bills, phone bill, the list goes on. Now I can’t tell if I’m working and saving money so I can have a better life, or if life is about incessantly working till you die. I see all these ads on the internet about people travelling while on a limited budget, and I’ve always wanted to travel the globe, to see life outside my bubble. To be free of financial worries and just “go wherever the wind takes me.” Easier said than done. As for romance? Dating in LA sucks. A lot. I’ve tried online dating. If I could snap a shot of some of the messages I’ve received and post them to Facebook, well…revisiting those messages would be too depressing. People try so hard to spruce up their profiles, boost their images with these white lies to make themselves sound more appealing that I can’t decipher fact from fiction. Am I speaking to a real person? I’m not trying to knock on the whole thing – my dad met my stepmom through online dating. I understand it does work for some people. But I’d rather run into someone in a library, or art gallery or some other place from my fantasies (maybe I should invent a dating site where you get matched with people that like the same books as you?). There’s also this thing called daily street harassment. I understand LA is a huge city and maybe a decent human male exists somewhere in its massive landscape. Maybe my expectations are too high because my father is an exceptional human male himself. My mother was horrible to him, but he never said a malicious thing about her. He showed me that some men truly do go above and beyond to show compassion for others, and from a young age I just expected all men to be like that.

I have such a love/hate relationship with this city. It has a way of making you feel so isolated, but then it opens its arms to you and reveals more facets that you didn’t know existed. More beauty than you thought possible. I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety my whole life. The depression rears its ugly head intermittently throughout the year, but is most prevalent usually right before my birthday. I guess seasonal changes play a part in it as well. I also have obsessive-compulsive tendencies that tie into all this. I know I’m anxious/stressed/depressed when I stand there and fold/refold a shirt 5 times just to make sure it’s perfect, or I keep setting and resetting an alarm clock to make sure it will go off in the morning. I lock a door 3 times to make sure it’s truly locked. Reread a sentence multiple times. Now I usually recognize the signs. I try to collect myself, take a deep breath…and stop. I had a mental breakdown at work last week. I usually try so hard to be friendly and upbeat, but being positive 24/7 when you aren’t a naturally positive person is exhausting, and I couldn’t keep up the charade anymore. I’ve always been afraid that I will turn into my mother – mentally broken, refusing help and ostracizing my children. I have moments where I think, “my life is better without her,” and moments like today where I was in the shower and simply thought, “I wish I could hug my mother,” and burst into tears. I wonder if she would like the person I am today.

I can’t go on Facebook anymore without cringing. Every post on my feed is politically charged, and usually cast in negative tones depending on the candidate the poster is supporting. Politics are polarizing. They fill people with hate. Both sides of the political spectrum are at each other’s throats, in a time when we need to stand unified. Why do we hate each other so much? Life is hard as it is. Everyone has the right to vote for whomever they choose, and even if I don’t agree with you at you’re exercising your right. One of the positives I’ve seen from this election is the ignited passion from young people, who are showing a rapidly growing interest in the state of our nation. I just wish more people would argue their stances in a respectful manner, Republicans and Democrats alike. Just be good people. I propose that from now until Election Day we all try to post more cute animal pictures to alleviate the political discord. Please?

So let’s look at 26: emotionally/mentally broken, working hard at a job that’s not the dream job, single, not an experienced world traveler…but alive. I’m alive. I have a roof over my head, and I can afford to pay my bills on time. Do I need children right this second? No. I need to fix my own issues first. Will I end up like my mother? No, because I won’t let that happen. Will I find love? Maybe someday, when I meet someone that is worthy of my attention. I like to think I’m staying single so I can shape myself into the best Melody that has ever lived. Will I continue on my creative path? Yes. I’m always thinking about what my therapist tells me: to make time, regardless of its span, to create. To sing. To write. To draw. To act. I have to remind myself of the courage it takes to pursue your dreams. I’ve always had undying support from my family, which I will be forever grateful for. And that everyone’s journeys are different. Mine veered from a traditional, small-town girl path. I’ve lived in two amazing cities, and seen sights that most people don’t get to see. Do I miss living in close proximity to my family? Of course, but I don’t think I would’ve had these experience without their encouragement, love and support.

27: I’m getting new headshots. I think it’s time to get back to the land of creativity. I really want to take a trip to Europe next year. UK/Ireland/Scotland. Maybe Denmark? I hear the Danish are very happy people. I’ll work on a book. Maybe keep writing this blog? I can talk about my inner demons, my depression, and maybe help someone who’s struggling with similar demons. I’ll keep singing. I’ll work on those unfinished scripts that are on my desktop. Maybe I’ll produce a short film. Take up the ukulele. Not apologize for taking time off, stop saying “sorry” so much. When the anxiety/depression hits, I ride the waves, with the knowledge that there is sunshine on the other side. I’m not alone. Getting older is not a death sentence. It’s a continued lease on life.


5 thoughts on “27.

  1. Hey there, I know this is a very old blog post, but I just wanted to say that I quite enjoyed reading it. I found this page after reading your recap of Killing Eve. You’re quite a good writer. It takes a lot of courage to be able to honestly discuss depression and anxiety. It’s inspiring that you demonstrate that courage–it makes me want to return to writing again after drifting away from it a couple of years ago. Thank you for that 🙂


    1. Hey! Thank you so much for reading. I’m glad I can be a source of inspiration. Being open about my mental health struggles is not only cathartic for me, but hopefully cathartic for my fellow mental health warriors. And thanks for reading my work on GGA! I love geeking out. I hope you dive back into writing and find comfort in it. 😊


  2. I read your take on the expanse season 4 (I totally nerded out on that) and then ended up on your post about turning 27. I loved your honesty and transparency especially about your dad and the example he has set for you. If I can say anything from a normal (ha! What’s normal!?) dude from Missouri, is that there are good men out there, but I hate to say that the ratio to selfish jerk dudes is lower than I’d like to admit. Strive for a truthful, brutally honest man who will not worship you, but will put you before friends/family, and always have your back. I have heard it said, “if you get on the wrong train, running in the opposite direction down the aisles is still futile”. Better no man, and wait for the right one, than to settle.
    You sound like a woman of conviction and character. Just ignore the people that heckle you, those are empty insecure, yet self centered boys who’s lives are a wreck at the end of the day.
    Anyway, you prob won’t see or read this, but I have this desire to try to encourage people. So here I am 🙂
    I hope the best for you in your career and life!
    Take care


  3. Hey there! You haven’t been writing for a while. Anyway, I went back to this post because it was my birthday recently (on February the 19th) and i experienced quite a cathartic moment myself. I realized and was doing so well with my anxiety and depression issues that I took it for granted. I went back to my old self despite all the effort I put on moving forward. So, it all came back to me on my 24th birthday. I love the way you expose your experiences and concerns, and you inspired me to do the same. It is so hard to feel like a failure all of the time. To feel so messed up. So, I understand where you came from when you wrote this post. I haven’t done anything remarkable with my life and to make things worse, I’m one walking nerve of insecurities and doubts.
    This year, let’s say in April, I decided to finally push myself out of my comfort zone ( I mean. it’s not like I haven’t done it before, but no one in my family seems to notice it) and try with film school. Ugh, I know, it can end up being a terrible idea. But I must try, I’ll like to write a least one or two scripts for documentaries. Maybe a prison documentary or one about people suffering from severe mental problems and how that impact in their lives. Or maybe about veganism, since I’m vegan. I don’t know, something that allows me to portrait the outcasts.
    Oh, I’m rambling, I know.
    Anyway, I hope you keep writing this blog.
    Good luck with the future
    P.S: My name is Maggie by the way


    1. Hey Maggie! To be honest, I forgot this blog existed haha. I’m so glad to read that my ramblings helped you. I think we can all de-stigmatize these issues if we stay transparent and vocal. Film school sounds like a terrific idea. 😊 I studied acting myself, and while I’m more into writing at the moment, I don’t regret a single bit of it. And it sounds cliche, but you never really know unless you try. I’m very shy around new people and I forced myself a few weeks ago to go out and be sociable. Needless to say, it was awkward and uncomfortable but I’m glad I did it. I was at an event for one of my favorite bands and I decided to introduce myself to the lead singer. It was terrifying, but again, so worth it. I know how it feels to be entrapped by your own insecurities, but we gotta try to break down those doors, you know?
      Keep pushing forward. I may pick up this ol’ thing at some point again. I’m a contributor for Geek Girl Authority, if you ever feel like perusing a pop culture and entertainment news site.
      Best of luck with everything! ❤❤❤


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